About the Journal

Global Sustainability Challenges (GSC) publishes high-quality scientific papers that contribute significantly to the field of sustainability and sustainable development. This is an open-access journal, freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution, written in a manner that makes it accessible to a wide-range public. Preference will be given to papers with decision-making implications to the practice in the promotion of sustainable technologies and green economies.

Aims and Scope

The principal aim of the journal is to bring together the latest research and development in various fields of sustainability. We would like to highlight that papers should refer to Aims and Scope, but they are not limited to.


Publication Frequency

One issue per year is published online, but processed and accepted papers, with full bibliographic data, are added to the issue continuously over the whole year.


Open Access

Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author.


Publication fee

There is no submission charge or publication fee. Publication in GSC is free of charge for the authors.



Faculty of Ecology and Environmental Protection, University "Union-Nikola Tesla", Belgrade, Serbia 

Co-Publisher: University of Exeter, Stocker Rd, Exeter EX4 4PY, UK https://www.exeter.ac.uk/